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Instagram Tests New Public 'Collections' Feature on Profiles in Trial Phase

Discover Instagram's latest update—public Collections on profiles—an experiment poised to boost user connections and insights, offering a sneak peek into Instagram's evolving interface.

Instagram Prepping Profile Collections: A Peek Into User Interests?

Instagram appears to be gearing up to expand its Collections feature, possibly enabling users to share curated Collections of posts directly on their profiles. This move aims to offer visitors deeper insights into users' interests and preferences, as indicated by a screenshot shared by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi.

The proposed public Collections option, visible on an IG profile, could potentially allow any app visitor to browse through these Collections within the app itself. This extension builds upon the collaborative Collections feature launched in March, which centers on initiating private discussions around posts, enabling chat users to contribute to the thread.

While this new experiment seems geared more toward individuals rather than fostering group discussions, it's still in the developmental phase and might not be ready for immediate rollout.

Instagram has been actively refining this option since September, with Paluzzi offering glimpses into the posting process through various examples. If introduced, this feature could offer users yet another avenue to connect with like-minded individuals.

For brands, if incorporated into brand profiles, this feature could serve as an additional platform to showcase products. However, there might be concerns about potential clutter, a factor Instagram has been conscientiously trying to mitigate.

The future release of Instagram's profile Collections feature remains uncertain. As with any new feature, its implementation could offer intriguing possibilities for user engagement and interaction, potentially reshaping how users curate and display their interests on the platform.
