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Elon’s Musk "Everything App" Vision: Audio Calling on X Now Live for Some iOS Users

The latest iOS update for Elon’s X app introduces audio calling. But with a declining trend in audio calls, is this feature really necessary?

Elon’s X App Introduces Audio Calling

Elon Musk's tech innovations have often been the talk of the town, and the recent update to the X app is no exception. With the latest iOS version of the app, users can now engage in audio calls via their X DMs. A teaser from X News Daily suggests video calls are not far behind.

The integration with CallKit on iOS means that audio calls made through X will mirror the appearance of conventional phone calls on the device. This raises questions about the necessity and efficacy of the feature. Given that a majority of millennials have expressed a preference for texting over voice conversations, and the pervasive tendency of users to avoid unsolicited calls, the real-world application of this feature is uncertain.

The transition of communication from traditional phone calls to DMs, especially among younger users, hints at a potential redundancy for the audio and video calling feature on the X app.

Yet, the inclusion of these functionalities aligns with Elon's vision for the X app – a singular platform that offers an extensive range of interactions and transactions. Whether this will be an enhancement or an impediment remains to be seen. The growing inclination of the app's development team towards premium features also leaves users speculating if this new addition will be exclusive to X Premium subscribers.

It's an ambitious move, reflective of Elon's penchant for innovation, and the tech community awaits to see if it's received with enthusiasm or skepticism.
